The Renewed Home

A Relief from the elements and stress of the world, a safe haven from danger mentally and physically. A quiet, comfortable, healthy place to escape and recharge. Does this sound like your home? Didn't think so. If you stop and think, I am sure you can think of 4-5 daily stressors that building science or just a bit of additional effort and forethought could address. One can spend their whole day navigating the world and then come home to another set of challenges to navigate. 

What does Home mean? 

Comfort, Indoor Air Quality, Structural Stability, Durability and Resiliency. 

These values and standard measures we take to give you a Renewed Home. Our design team inspects your house with these items in mind. This paired with an insistence on creating a new layout that addresses all of your home life's stresses as well helps you plan for the next few decades of life in your home will address the disappointment noted above and the additional items you’ve thought of since starting to read this.


The Home you thought you were buying and wish you had. 

The ReNEWed home will address the building enclosure to create an indoor environment that is completely comfortable, completely quiet, and built to last 100 years. We will design the layout to reflect your family needs, activities, stressors and natural pinch points. This is not the HGTV kitchen or bathroom- Open floor plan, defined spaces, shiplap, carpet etc Fads change. We can and will gladly provide the fit and finish you desire but know that goal here is to deal with the bones of your home. If we don’t we end up with lipstick on a pig, it's “prettier but it is still a pig. Pigs are great, don’t get me wrong but they belong outside.

The same goes for your home, the inside should be inside and the outside should be outside. That seems obvious but how often do we find ants crawling across the kitchen counter, the millipedes at the backdoor, the humidity level matching that of outside? The old notion that houses need to breathe is dead. Small cracks and gaps spread throughout your home bring outside air inside in the least desirable places: the attic and crawl space. I misspoke earlier, houses DO need to breathe but they need to breathe in a dedicated managed intake. Bringing in and filtering air from a designed intake vent on the side of the house vs air coming in whenever and wherever the former seems better . Being in control of what your family breathes seems like an obvious goal. Enjoying the outside should be a choice you make, not something that happens to you. 

Reducing & Removing issues > Compensating for them

This monologue only scratches the surface. We are excited to offer this level of building to you and anyone who is unimpressed with their home's performance.   

Yes, a larger HVAC system would keep the house generally at the right temperature but the hot and cold spots remain, as well as the humidity. The condensation on the windows still show up as will the mold. The comfort and air quality will suffer and you’re now dependent on an active system that will break eventually.

If this is recent history for you I am sure you remember the frantic phone calls to the HVAC company - The sweat on your brow from the stress and the temperature both increasing quickly, only to find out he can't get there until next week. In our office which we have built to the Renewed home standard, indoor temperatures are maintained for days. Here we are in mid July and we have only turned on the AC once this year. Spending money up front on the building enclosure (your home) through Passive and static systems is much more resilient. The active systems like your HVAC can be much smaller and if they do break it's not an emergency and it doesn’t break the bank.


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